Tequila Blind Taste Test Results (2019)

Blind tastings are the best way to find out what you really like, free of marketing hype, bias, and previous experiences. They also give you the opportunity to experience tequila in a whole new way—using only your senses.

That’s why we conduct regular “Tequila Challenge” blind tasting events that are open to the public. If you’re curious about our recent tastings, and the results, you can find them here. We will update this page with new results as they roll in. (Here’s how to get notified when this page updates.)

Take a look, below, and let us know if anything surprises you!

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Sept 30, 2019 / Quinta Don Jose Hotel

Which Are the Tequilas Regular People Prefer?

Sept. 30 Tequila Blind Tasting Lineup

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Participants: 17
Participant Types: Aficionados/Consumers
Special Toast: Hacienda Los Alamos (La Cata) Single Barrel Extra Añejo

    There were no tequila industry people or bartenders at this event (just a few adicionados), so we believe the results reflect a little more of what regular consumers think. That said, San Matias Gran Reserve Blanco, which is a relatively new product from Casa San Matias, scored the most points. As far as we can tell, this is only available in Mexico, and sells for about $373 MXN (about $19 USD) for a 750ml bottle. It’s not overly complex, but has cooked agave and black pepper in the aroma and flavor. In second place was Casamigos Blanco (NOM 1416), a brand that is getting a lot of attention in the USA. The participants responded favorably to the intense vanilla aroma and sweet flavor of this product. The third highest-scoring was Tequila G4 Blanco, which is usually one of those products that is liked by both the consumer/aficionado and bartender/industry crowds alike. Honestly, we were surprised to see that it finished where it did. The top three were pretty close in points, but then the bottom three really dropped off. Herradura Silver scored an average of 80.703 points, and Casa Dragones Blanco collected an average of 79.141 points. The lowest ranking went to Gran Reserva de Don Alberto Blanco. People mentioned that it had a smokey, and somewhat plastic aroma that reminded them of mezcal. Perhaps it would have done better in a lineup with mezcal, but it was not preferred by tequila drinkers.
PlaceNameAvg. Score
1 San Matias Gran Reserva Blanco87.266
2 Casamigos Tequila Blanco86.406
3 Tequila G4 Blanco 85.956
4 Herradura Silver 80.703
5 Casa Dragones Tequila Blanco79.141
6 Gran Reserva de Don Alberto Blanco77.206

Aug 19, 2019 / Quinta Don Jose Hotel

Felipe Does It Again; Bartenders vs. Consumers

Tequila Blind Tasting Lineup - Aug 19, 2019

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Participants: 18
Participant Types: Tequila Industry; Aficionados/Consumers; Bartenders
Special Toast: Fortaleza Reposado – Winter Blend 2019

    Once again, Felipe Camarena, and his distillery “El Pandillo,” grabbed the most points from the three main groups of participants: bartenders, consumer/aficionado, and tequila industry people. Terralta Blanco scored highest of all the products by an impressive margin. Second place was another traditionally-made product, Cascahuín Tahona Blanco (a tequila that scored the highest in a previous tasting.) Tres Generaciones Plata scored higher than it did in previous tastings this time around. Both Tres Generaciones and newcomer brand Cierto Blanco were popular with the consumers/aficionados in the group. Cierto Blanco, which is made at NOM 1146, scored an impressive 84.25 with the consumer/aficionado segment. It was not, however, popular with bartenders, who felt the product was too clean and simple. (They tend to like products that have a prominent character.) This illustrates the difference between the palates of bartenders vs. consumers. Casa Dragones, a diffuser product, got low scores from all segments. The special toast was Fortaleza Reposado Winter Blend 2019, a brand new, limited release, product soon to be made available to the market, which features a blend of American and French oak aged tequila at a slightly higher proof. (It is delicious!)
PlaceNameAvg. Score
1Terralta Tequila Blanco86.838
2Cascahuín Tahona Blanco84.236
3Tres Generaciones Plata81.597
4Cierto Blanco80.556
5Casa Noble Crystal78.603
6Casa Dragones Tequila Blanco77.708

July 29, 2019 / Quinta Don Jose Hotel

Newcomer Wins Top Scores; Different Diffuser Products, Same Sad Results

tequila blind tasting lineup - July 29, 2019

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Participants: 19
Participant Types: Restaurant owners; Tequila Industry; Aficionados; Tequila Newbies
Special Toast: Cierto Tequila Añejo

    Diffuser products finished in the same position as in previous blind tastings — last. Huge praise for the highest-rated tequila, newcomer Volans Blanco, a very small batch product made at El Pandillo (NOM 1579) by Felipe Camarena. Second highest rated was another San Matias Tahona Blanco, revealing that tahona-made products were the most popular with this crowd. In third position was another traditionally-made beloved Camarena family product, Tapatio Blanco, from the La Alteña distillery (NOM 1139). The Special Toast tequila, Cierto Tequila Añejo, is brand new to the market. It is made by Enrique Fonseca and Sergio Mendoza at La Tequileña (NOM 1146). Each of our blind tastings finish with a toast in honor of those who are still creating exceptional products.
PlaceNameAvg. Score
1Volans Blanco81.974
2San Matias Tahona Blanco80.972
3Tapatio Blanco80.724
4123 Organic Tequila Blanco79.342
5El Jimador Blanco Tequila76.389
6Cazadores Tequila Blanco74.408

July 02, 2019 / De La O

Tough Crowd: Industry Pros and Bartenders

tequila blind tasting lineup - July 02, 2019

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Participants: 29
Participant Types: Bartenders; Tequila Industry; Aficionados
Special Toast: Suave Tequila “V.S.B.” Extra Añejo

    Once again, the diffuser products scored lowest. The crowd was an even mix of tequila industry professionals and bartenders, with a few aficionados sprinkled in. This group of industry pros seemed to be hard to impress, and rated the products much lower than usual. This is usually common for people who have never rated blind before. (We see low rating as clear evidence of the huge effect that marketing can have on consumers’ perceptions! On average, we believe that marketing contributes about 10 points to the final score.)
PlaceNameAvg. Score
1Siete Leguas Blanco84.583
2Don Fulano Blanco81.202
3Arette Blanco79.955
4Los Abuelos Blanco (Lot 76)79.352
5Casa Dragones Tequila Blanco76.413
6Cazadores Tequila Blanco72.5

May 27, 2019 / Quinta Don Jose Hotel

Diffuser vs. Everything Else

Location: Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico
Participants: 19
Participant Types: Aficionados; Bartenders; Tequila Industry; Hotel Owners
Special Toast: Cascahuín Extra Añejo (French Oak Finished)

    This blind tasting lineup included a wide array of production processes. When the results were revealed, the 2 diffuser-made products finished last, and all non-diffuser products were in close proximity to each other.
PlaceNameAvg. Score
1El Tequileño Platino (Square Bottle)84.079
2Don Fulano Blanco83.958
3Los Abuelos Blanco (Still Strength)83.056
4Roca Patrón Silver82.941
5Tres Generaciones Plata78
6Casa Dragones Tequila Blanco75.417

April 28, 2019 / Quinta Don Jose Hotel

Mixto Surprise!

Location: Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico
Participants: 33
Participant Types: Aficionados; Bartenders
Special Toast: Volans Extra Añejo

    These participants were seasoned tequila aficionados, so we included 7 in the lineup. The brand-new Cascahuín Tahona scored the highest (no surprise there), but El Tequileño Blanco, a mixto, finished in 2nd place. Surprise!! Not all mixtos are bad! This got the group talking—which is better, a mixto, or a diffuser-made product? The group felt that the results spoke for themselves.
PlaceNameAvg. Score
1Cascahuín Tahona Blanco82.617
2El Tequileño Blanco (mixto)82.056
3Tezcazul Tequila Blanco81.935
4El Tequileño Platino Blanco80.313
5Don Fulano Blanco79.637
6Ocho Tequila Plata - El Bajío 201879.583
7Casa Dragones Tequila Blanco73.083

Do you want to participate in one of our “Tequila Challenge” blind tasting events? Check our tasting event calendar and reserve a spot.

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