These things and more made it on our “This Week in Tequila” list.
There seems to be a trend this week – Women (and people in China) love tequila too! Especially if it can fit in nicely with a weight-loss plan.
If you have some tequila news you’d like to share with us, if you’ve heard a tequila rumor, or have any amusing suggestions for our weekly list, please let us know.
Here’s the latest…
“Tequila” is Registered in China
Poder 360° reported that China has finally, officially, recognized the word “tequila” as a registered trademark of Mexico.
The story states: “The process of registering the drink’s name was begun in 2004 by the [Tequila Regulatory Council] CRT, the organization which supervises the word on behalf of Mexico, and which is in charge of monitoring and ensuring that products authorized by the Mexican government only sell it under that name.”
We attempted to do more research on this – to figure out which date this actually happened, but were unable to locate any other info about it. (Which is surprising, as this should be a pretty big deal.)
When Grover was attending the World International Tequila Conference last September in Guadalajara, Mexico, this topic came up several times. Local tequila producers expressed concern that tequila would be produced and sold in China, bypassing Mexico’s trademark.
This must be good news to them.
Booze: The secret to staying slim
Here’s a known sales tactic: Commission a study that will tie your product to weight loss!
Salon.com published a story that make the claim that women (not men) who drink gain less weight.
The story says, “a study released this week from the Archives of Internal Medicine that followed over 19,000 American ‘normal weight’ women over age 39 and tracked their drinking habits for 13 years found that women who were ‘light to moderate’ drinkers gained about 30 percent less weight over time than the teetotalers.”
This study claims that alcohol consumption gives the female metabolism a “minor boost.”
I guess men only get a beer belly? Not fair.
Lingerie and tequila for Julia Mancuso
According to Metro.co.uk, “American Winter Olympian Julia Mancuso will swap her skis and poles for tequila and lingerie as she looks to branch out from the world of snowsports.”
Mancuso, 26, won two silver medals in Vancouver, and plan to compete in the Cuervo Games in Chicago. The event is “a series of tequila-related physical challenges.”
Hmmm. The ability to drink Cuervo Gold and manage to get out of bed without a hangover would be quite a challenge.
“It looks like a lot of fun and, of course, I’ll drink responsibly,” she said.
Advice for Julia, from your friends at TasteTequila.com: Don’t drink any nasty mixto like Cuervo Gold. Stick with the good stuff and you’ll smoke the competition.
The story also mentions that Mancuso and her friend Chemmy Alcott (a British skier), are planning to call their lingerie line ‘Kiss My Tiara’.
Uh oh, with a name like that, it sounds like she may have already cracked into the mixto bottle.
“Real” Housewife Bethenny Frankel “Invents” The Margarita
The NJMonthly.com website is promoting a March 18, 2010, bottle-signing event with the reality tv personality.
Earlier in the week, while driving a rental car North on Interstate 95 in Florida, Grover heard an interview with Frankel on the radio, where she proceeded to make the claim that she “invented” a margarita recipe that has actually been served for many years in Mexico.
Thankfully, he didn’t crash the car after hearing such a ridiculous claim. (This would have been a problem because he always declines the additional insurance coverage.)
This margarita which she “invented” is actually called The Pure Margarita, and we even profiled it on TasteTequila.com. The Pure Margarita is what’s served at our beloved SFT Tequila Bar in Sayulita, Mexico.
The story says: “When natural foods Chef Bethenny Frankel ordered her Skinnygirl Margarita on the first season, it became an instant obsession nationwide.”
The story goes on to say that the bottles of pre-mixed “Skinnygirl Margaritas” that she will be signing are “an all-natural cocktail that’s a mere 100 calories per serving, equivalent to a glass of wine!”
Once again – if you’re looking to sell a product, tie it to weight loss (and it would also be helpful if you have no shame.)
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