New Brands, Distillery Changes, and other Tequila Geek Info

We just finished reading through the latest NOM database update from the Consejo Regulador Del Tequila (the governing body of the tequila industry), and added several new brands to the Tequila Matchmaker mobile app database.

A “NOM” is a 4-digit number assigned to a manufacturing facility by the Mexican government. You can find this number on the back of each bottle of tequila, and we keep track of the numbers assigned to brands.

The most recent update is dated June 4, 2012, and it lists 1,276 different tequila brands being made at 145 different distilleries. It also shows that several tequila brands have changed distilleries.

If you haven’t done so already,  download the app now (it’s free.) It will give you constant access to all of the tequila geek information that we (and our users) enter into the system.

Here are the highlights we found:

New Brands

We added the following brands today, after seeing them in the CRT’s list for the first time, which would most likely indicate that they are new.

La Catrina

Eruption Tequila


Blue Iguana Tequila

Santo Azul


Agatha Tequila


Aqua Riva

Rock ‘N Roll Tequila

Sauza, the makers of the 100 Años Tequila brand, now lists what appears to be several flavored tequilas in the works:

100 Años Cola Y Limon
100 Años Paloma
100 Años Paloma Light
100 Años Cherry Chili Margarita

In addition, we spotted 28 new brands on the list that don’t appear to have any information available yet. As a result, we have not yet added them to the NOM database inside of the Tequila Matchmaker. These include:

Don Polo, 4 Cañones, Emperador Azteca, Lapittayya By Riazul, El Pegador, Tierra De Abolengo, Spirit Of The Shaman, Imperio Del Tiempo, El Pescadito, En Vos Confio, La Chula, Casa Pacific, El Patriota, Nayar, Tepozan, La Tilica, Muñeca, Viviana La Mexicana, Climax, 7 Mares, Ra El Refugio Del Aguila, DS Company, Angeles De Oro, El Traidor, Matafuegos, Ocelote, and Sinverguenza.

If anyone has information about any of these, please let us know so we can add them to the database.

NOM Activity

Deleted NOMs
NOMs 1115 and 1504 are no longer included in the CRT list of distilleries. (NOM 1115 is where Caballo Moro, Cálidus, La Parreñita, and San Cristobal tequilas were made.)

NOM 1569 is new to the list, owned by Agaveros de Michoacán. This distillery appears to be located in the state of Michoacán, and has one brand listed, “Tequimich”. We are unable to find any more information about this brand yet.

Brand moves
The following brands have changed their NOM numbers:

Amate (was 1137, now 1173)
Tres Sombreros (was 1468, now 1463)
Corazon Maya (was 1522, now 1560)
Corazon De Amores (was 1528, now 1473)
Reunion (was 1529, now 1499)

Thanks to all of you who have contributed bits of information through the Tequila Matchmaker mobile app. This information is constantly working its way into the database for all to see, share, and use!

Tequila Matchmaker NOM database
The Tequila Matchmaker NOM database for iOS devices lets you look find where a tequila was made, and what other tequilas are made at the same distillery.