The Condesa DF Hotel’s Private Label Tequila Surprise

If you are a Mexican celebrity, a member of U2, or Paris Hilton, you know that the hip place to stay in Mexico City is the Condesa DF hotel. Nuzzled against Colonia Condesa’s Parque Espana, the Condesa DF features unique design elements, an impressive lobby bar, and a rooftop terrace/sushi restaurant with views of the city.

Condesa DF's house tequila
The Condesa DF's house tequila is a reposado, and it's taste is surprisingly good.

Grover and I stayed there a couple of times and were impressed with its cool tranquility. We also noticed that their bar has only a few tequilas in stock, but they do have a house tequila called – what else – Condesa DF Tequila.

We revisited the bar the other night to put a new critical eye to their house tequila. There was some confusion among the bartenders about how long the tequila had been aged (although it is labeled a reposado, one bartender said it was aged two and a half years.) I tried to explain that this was an impossible combination, and if it were aged that long it would be an añejo, but was met with a blank stare.

So, we cannot tell you how long this repo is aged, but we can say that it was a nice medium amber color implying that it spent a good bit of time in the barrel.

It has a light nose of vanilla, butter, and cooked agave. At first we feared the typical taste of a bland contract brand, but once it hit our mouths we changed or minds.

It is a little sweet with a medium oily mouth feel. The agave and light vanilla follow through on the taste, but then you get a nice bit of heat in the back of your throat followed by a floral finish of lavender. It’s not too floral, but very distinctive and pleasurable.

I’m convinced that female drinkers with a harsh recollection of tequila could be converted by this one. The floral might be a little much for the more macho drinkers, but it is pleasant overall.

Condesa DF Tequila is made at NOM 1477, in El Arenal, where tequila Ambar and 16 other brands are made. You can buy a bottle at the hotel for 395 pesos ($33 US) if you are so inclined. (We wanted to buy a bottle there on the spot, but they didn’t have any full bottles to sell us. We plan to go back soon and pick up a bottle for our home bar.)

The Condesa DF house tequila, con sangrita.
The Condesa DF house tequila, con sangrita.

Otherwise, stop by and sample a shot. The atmosphere can’t be beat, and their sangrita is good too.


The bar, inside the Condesa DF.
The bar, inside the Condesa DF.