13 Obscure (Yet Awesome) Songs About Tequila

I was cruising through iTunes, looking for songs about tequila, and realized that our beloved spirit has found a comfortable home in country music, Pee Wee Herman movies, Sammy Hagar tunes, and Hip Hop.

So I decided to dig deeper into iTunes, to come up with a list of songs that are less known, more bizarre, and deeply amusing.

I created an iTunes playlist called  Fun, Funny, Obscure Tequila Songs

Here’s what made the list:


13 Obscure (Yet Awesome) Songs About Tequila


1. Drinking Tequila, Jim Reeves

What a great way to start this list! It’s an old song (back when Juarez was a place gringos could actually go), and the only country song that made the list, just because of it’s ability to get this collection off to a weird, fun start.

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“Drinking tequila and teasing the girls!”



2. We Like Tequila, Tortured Soul

This song is 100% awesome because is actually cautions people to drink only 100% agave tequila, and to make extra sure that it is! It’s like this band has been reading our website or something. LOVE IT. The groove is actually pretty fun and upbeat, complete with a sexy woman’s voice saying “tequila” over and over. “We have style, we drink tequila!” Damn right!

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“Margarita, or maybe just straight.
When you need a kick, añejo is great.
Reposado, silver, as long as it’s pure.
100% agave, you gotta be sure!”


3. Tequila, Terrorvision

Time to pick up the pace a bit now. This song is all about “the curse of Cuervo,” and I think we’ve all been there. Someone needs to tell this band to avoid mixtos!

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“If there’s a lot on your mind it’s there to help you forget,
To relax and rewind and leave behind the regret,
First sip makes you well before you know it’s time,
And you’re saying to hell with the salt, lemon and lime”


4. Drinking Straight Tequila, Chris Cain

This song contains the classic blues song structure, only better because tequila is involved. :-)

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“I’ve been drinking straight tequila,
cause I’m feel so alone.
I want to call you baby,
but you wouldn’t pick up the phone.”


5. Tequila Sunrise, Cypress Hill featuring Barron Ricks

This Hip Hop song is loaded up with explicitness (which I enjoy) but one thing that I don’t like is where they keep saying things like: “Eat the worm, motherf***er, while you burn, motherf***er”. [Note to Cypress Hill: THERE IS NO WORM IN TEQUILA!]

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“Tequila Sunrise, bloodshot eyes
Realize we’re all born to die”


6. Tequila, YoungBloodZ 

Another rap song, but this is one I can relate to! It compares tequila with a woman, “a mexican lover,” to be exact. I love the intro, where it starts off as a conversation in a bar.

“Hey what’s happenin’ baby. What’s your name girl? Tequila? Oh yeah, my friends call you Cuervo. You alright with me baby… fo’ real.”  Yesssss! So smooooth!

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“But I love this girl Tequila
one shot of her love, it’s over
she takes all my money
and all I want to do is hold her….Tequila
my Mexican lover”


7. Mexican Cousin, Phish

I had no idea Phish wrote a song about tequila. I like them even more now! If I knew this years ago, I may have even ended up following them across the country in a Volkswagen van. Ok, maybe not. But in this song, they speak of some true wisdom: “Tequila’s where that starts and where it ends.”

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“Oh Tequila, I turn to you like a long lost friend
I want to kiss my Mexican Cousin once again”


8. Jesus and Tequila, Minutemen

This song says that the only true things in life you can trust is Jesus, and tequila. You can’t trust a woman, or your boss – because they come and go. But tequila will always be there for you. Praise Jesus for that!

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“My life – Jesus and tequila
I’m satisfied
And I can’t deny it”


9. Dr. Tequila, Dr. Tequila

It’s obvious that San Francisco-based Richie Barron, also known as “Dr. Tequila” knows his stuff, as this song makes several mentions of “blue agave” and even includes several different brands, including Patron, Don Julio, Hornitos, Milagro, Corozon, and Cabo Wabo. Makes me want to book them for a show!

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“From San Diego to the San Francisco Bay,
All getting down on the Blue Agave.”


10. Tequila Bomb, Marigold

Other than the name of this song containing the word “tequila”, I’m not really sure I understand what this song is actually about. Although it does say that drinking Mexican water makes you stronger – I’ve decided not to test that out. But, with lyrics like this, can you make sense of it?:

“You gotta watch for blood in the ice cream, and Polaroids of orchids in the trees.”

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“Oh tequila bomb, what’s been going on?
Let’s hang around here, we were having fun.”


11. Tequila Song, Dynamic Blues Band

This song is on an album named “One More Kiss & One More Beer”, so that’s pretty awesome right there. Their “Tequila Song” is all about using tequila to forgive and forget your past – especially when it comes to failed relationships.

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“Now give me more tequila
and I’ll forget my past
Now give me more tequila
and I’ll forgive my past
I get a real good feelin’
and I hope it’ll last”


12. Tequila Time, Kansas City Bear Fighters

This is a fun little ditty that deserves a listen every once in a while, just to remind yourself that tequila, and life, is supposed to be fun. I can’t help but smile all the way through this one, thinking about how life shouldn’t be taken so damn seriously.

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“It’s almost tequila time
don’t use salt, and don’t need lime.
It’s a Mexican embrace
Put a smile right on my face
Now we can drink it up together if you wanna
If you don’t wanna then I’m a still a gonna
Cause I like to get drunk and I love to have funna
It’s tequila time!”


13. Hey Nineteen, Steely Dan

I couldn’t resist ending with this one – a song that I used to listen to over and over again as a child, long before I ever knew what “tequila” or “Cuervo Gold” or “fine Colombian” was. When I got to college, I finally learned.

Steely Dan is simply awesome.

Best Tequila Lyrics:
“The Cuervo Gold
The fine Colombian
Make tonight a wonderful thing.”


Got anything to add to this list? Let’s keep it going – add a comment below, and share this story with others!

— Grover