Why we decided to address the industry’s lack of transparency on additive use
If this headline has given you pause, it should. After all, 100% agave tequila traditionally comprises of three things: cooked agave, water, and yeast (before aging). But increasingly, some producers are relying on additives, or “abocantes” as they are called in the industry, not just to equalize flavor and color differences from batch to batch, but to make up their entire profile. Super efficient production methods that tend to produce a high-proof (as high as 87% abv), neutral spirit are one of the main reasons. This vodka-like tequila then has to be watered down (to 40% abv), leaving it without the signature characteristics we would look for in tequila, such as the smell and taste of cooked agave.
(We’ve talked about additives in detail before, and how they are permitted under the law if they don’t exceed 1% in volume, so you might want to review that article if you need to.)
The increased reliance on additives has us concerned on a few fronts. First of all, agaves are amazing plants that offer an incredible variety of aromas and flavors when their fermentable sugars are turned into alcohol. So, it seems a damn shame to use these agaves to make a neutral spirit. (Why not just make vodka or grain alcohol?)
Also, agaves need at least five or six years to mature and produce the level of sugar that traditional producers require. Producers who use diffusers, acid-thermal hydrolysis, yeast accelerants, and column stills —the super efficient industrial method we referred to above— are able to extract more sugar from the agaves than traditional methods, so the age of the agaves is not as important to them. They will harvest them at three or four years, which disrupts the agave growth cycle for traditional producers. This is because immature agaves don’t yet contain enough sugar for traditional production equipment to extract.*

And because diffuser producers use a sped-up process with immature agaves they often need additives to create a flavor profile. These additives usually don’t smell/taste like cooked agave, although they may be labelled as “Agave Note #307560” or “Agave Note #208344”, for example. Users of our app often describe these artificial aromas as “fake fruit”, “fake pine”, vanilla, cake batter, flowers, and botanicals reminiscent of gin. Additives for aged products usually consist of extra vanilla, caramel, and in more extreme incidents, cake batter. Sometimes they also add sweeteners, like cane sugar, agave syrup, or aspartame-like high intensity compounds. Glycerin is used in all types of tequila to give the product a thicker mouth feel and occasionally cover up for minor defects.
Consumers who are not tequila aficionados often like these products because they do not taste “strong” and have no “burn”. And let’s face it — additive makers know what us humans like and they design these fruity, vanilla, and sweet profiles to appeal to our tastes. Consumers who like these products aren’t to blame. After all, they usually don’t know that the tequila they are drinking does not resemble a real, traditional tequila.
Take, for instance, the recent popularity of “cristalinos” in Mexico, which is now taking foot in the U.S. Few drinkers of these products realize that in order to strip away all of the color from an aged tequila**, nearly all the aromas and flavors are stripped away as well. When filtering is this heavy, the only way to add flavor and aroma back in is through the use of additives.
And herein lies a larger problem:
What if the popularity and wide marketing of industrialized products that rely on additives lead consumers to believe that tequila should smell and taste like something that it is not? What happens to the producers who still make traditional and natural products? Will we lose them?
We would also like to spur greater recognition that tequila is a natural product, with terroir, and seasonal changes in elements like agave, water, yeast, temperature, and myriad other environmental factors that are part of the process. Tequila consumers should not expect each batch to be identical. The more we can do to get this message out, the more understanding we’ll have about the role that additives play.

Additives were initially allowed so that producers could meet an unrealistic expectation of “consistency”, an expectation that is not demanded of other natural products, such as wine. Now they are being used for a different reason — to make up the entire profile of a product. That’s why we believe that additive use should at least be disclosed on the label for what they are: added color, flavor, aroma, and texture, even though they do not exceed the 1.0% by volume legal limit. Modern additives are incredibly concentrated, which means a very, very little bit can go a long way. Simply put, that old 1% limit leaves plenty of room to do more than slight consistency adjustments.
Admittedly, there is a place in the market for both industrialized and traditional tequilas, but we think consumers should know the difference and be able to choose for themselves.
We believe that a movement toward more detailed labeling and transparency is needed in the tequila industry — and would aid it. After all, there’s been a larger movement among both food and beverage companies to be open and honest about what people are eating and drinking, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Tequila producers could do the same by changing the NORMA, or official rules of the industry.
We are not anti-additives, or against industrialized production techniques. (Both serve a legitimate purpose.) We are not saying that brands that use additives are doing anything wrong. We just think that the industry just needs to do a better job of labeling.
We have even heard from brands that wanted to be more transparent, but were prevented from doing so.
One tequila brand tried to include the text “no additives” on their label, only to have it rejected by U.S. regulatory authorities. (Presumably because other brands without the label would be called into question.) Another tried to label their tequila as containing additives, but got refused by their distillery. So, we know there are industry players that see the value of being honest with their consumers. So, until the rules change, we want to help.
This is why we decided to launch our Additive-Free Confirmation Program. You can read all about the process, and the products that have already passed. But we wanted to take a moment to explain our own motivations, as tequila lovers and champions of traditional brands.
Additive use is an important consideration among members of the Tequila Matchmaker community. That’s why we felt it was important to confirm the “no additives” claim ourselves before applying that label to any product in our database. This is our process, we don’t claim that it’s perfect, but it is a great start that requires transparency from participating brands and distilleries.
We realize that our opinions on these matters aren’t as safe as the data and facts we usually strive to deliver. We also realize that we will take some (or a lot) of heat for this program, but we are ready. Our intentions are for the best, for the tequila that we love, and the industry that we are honored to take part in.
-Scarlet & Grover
P.S. Want to join our movement? Share this story and encourage your friends to support transparency in tequila labeling.
*In traditional production processes, agave is cooked using steam with fibers present. During the cooking process, the sugars then bond with the fibers. Extraction via tahona, roller mill, or screw mill cannot extract 100% of those fermentable sugars because some remain stuck to the fibers. Diffusers, on the other hand, remove the fibers before cooking and can therefore gain nearly 100% efficiency during the extraction process. For this reason, they can make use of younger agaves that have less sugar.
**There are exceptions when not everything is filtered out, but this is rare.
Thank you Scarlet and Grover for this!!!!!!!!!
Although most tequila producers that use diffusers, also use acid hydrolysis, harvest young agaves and rely heavily on additives, there are a few exceptions like us at Tequila Huizache.
We admittedly use a diffuser and column still but are 100% additive free and have no need for acid hydrolysis because we only use our own estate grown mature agaves (6-7 yo).
Acid hydrolysis is used to extract more sugar from young agaves which naturally have a very low sugar concentration due to their young age (most like any fruit which is harvested early), but since we only use our own estate grown mature a agaves, we have absolutely no need for adding acids to the hydrolysis process, and only use boiling water for that.
We stand firm by our believe that the diffuser does not strip tequila of the complexity provided by well grown agave plants but rather it brings out much more clearly the terroir that they provide which is sometime heavily masked by the cooking Or fermentation processes.
Wrong. I can taste the blandness and strange after taste from a diffuser tequila.
Thanks for your comment. Its good ro hear from a Taquilero who and why they produce their juice in a particular method.
This is awesome ! Thank You soo much for doing this and educating people . As a fellow tequila aficionado and drinker for over 30 years, I had always had a problem with this and wondered why this is allowed by the CRT . So many say ‘ who cares, why does it matter if it tastes good ? ‘ But it does, and it’s about integrity . Here in the USA, we have the FDA and this wouldn’t be an issue. But somehow, probably due to bribes and corruption, the CRT in Mexico allows this. Shame on them. Peace , stay healthy and safe .
Well reasoned & well written. Thank you so much. As a relative newcomer to agave spirits I am racing up the learning curve. Your article helps me tremendously. Thank you! 🥃
Tequila Ocho not on the list!?
Grover as usual you are ahead of the curve and bring us very informative data to shed light on an important issue. Thank you for your passion and dedication to the process of agave.
A fantastic initiative! Thank you Scarlet and Grover.
¿Qué buena información! Este es un tema que a menudo comparto con amigos cuando estamos bebiendo tequila, y algunos de ellos no creen que de verdad hay marcas que usan aditivos para finalizar su producto. Ahora con este artículo me ayudan a poder tener un poco más de respaldo. Además me da gusto ver que mis tequilas favoritos están en la sección “sin aditivos”.
Gracias por el trabajo que hacen ¡Salud!
Is there a list of tequila producers that do in fact use additives? This would be very helpful.
Hi Jim. No, we’re not going to call out brands that use additives. Just the ones that have gone through our verification process, and passed.
This is an important subject, and you have addressed it well. Thank you for continuing to provide education and information to tequila lovers. While there will always be pressures from the marketplace, it is encouraging that so many makers of fine tequila remain passionate about traditional production methods and continue to strive to make an authentic product.
Do you sell really cool Tequila Tshirts? If not make some , they are really hard to find. Thanks, TequilaBud.
Hi Grover and Scarlet. Thank you, great great work,! I´ve posted an article about that top news in german language on my blog https://about-tequila.de/die-tequila-white-list-das-guetesiegel-ist-da/
The Agave Idiots support authentic, traditional produces tequila, and aren’t fans of additives and commercial production methods that take short cuts. Nice work Grover and Scarlet for starting this None Additive Validation Project. Salud!
I commented a few times in other blogs such as this one. I wish I would have read this first. I think your explanation and reasons for providing this certification is spot on. I was pretty negative in the past.
I do wish there was a way to know “how much” additive is used. I’m not against the 1% use to help with consistently. I’m very against additives being the flavor.
Sublime post. Siempre resulta interesante conocer más sobre la composición del tequila.
As a purist, I seek out the origin of the foods and drinks that I enjoy. This is a fantastic undertaking, in line with the great education your site offers. Bravo!
In continuing my hands-on education, I wish there were a way I could sort your list of additive free tequilas by brand and category maybe even by NOM. This way I could systematically map out a journey through the list. If this is not possible to implement for the masses, is there anyway I could get a printout of the current list?
Hi Mike. You can’t sort by brand or NOM, but you can by category. For exaple, here’s a link to all additive-free blanco tequilas:
There aren’t that many brands on the list (yet) so it shouldn’t be that difficult to sort things.
Thank you Grover and Scarlet for your article on additive-free tequilas; you do producers and consumers good service by your efforts. Too bad aged Tequilas use re-used barrels; as do other potables which seem to disguise or add flavors to those which are natural.
Are commercially grown agaves ever sprayed with pesticides?
Should we consumers who prefer no additives in our tequila be concerned with non-organic farming practices?
Yes, this is common practice. Should consumers be worried? I’m not sure pesticide residue can get passed the 2x distillation process.