Tequila-based cocktails aren’t usually on the menu at most bars, but a few brave souls are working to change that. This is the first in a new series from TasteTequila.com…
Tequila Drink Recipe Video – Jamaica Margarita from Yxta Cocina Mexicana
Yxta Cocina Mexicana is a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles that features extremely tasty and authentic Mexican fare. The food is reason enough to visit but we were also impressed…
Mexico City’s Museum of Tequila and Mezcal Does Not Disappoint
The Museum of Tequila and Mezcal (Museo del Tequila y el Mezcal) opened in December 2010 in Mexico City. We, along with our friend Clayton Szczech, of ExperienceTequila.com, decided to…
13 Obscure (Yet Awesome) Songs About Tequila
I was cruising through iTunes, looking for songs about tequila, and realized that our beloved spirit has found a comfortable home in country music, Pee Wee Herman movies, Sammy Hagar…
Charlie’s Famous Mango Margarita Recipe Revealed!
When we drink tequila, 98% of the time we sip it slow and straight. But every once in a while (the remaining 2%) it’ll take the form of a margarita….
A Tequila Fan’s Ultimate Dream Job: Master Tequilero
Leopoldo Solis is the mastermind behind many well-respected tequilas. After our review of his most recent creation, Tequila Gran Dovejo, we were invited to meet Mr. Solis in person while…
The Coolest Tequila Store in Mexico
[iPhone] The Most Powerful Tequila App Ever Created for the iPhone: Tequila Matchmaker [/iPhone] [android] The Most Powerful Tequila App Ever Created for Android: Tequila Matchmaker [/android] Where can you…
The Batanga: Official Tequila Drink Recipe
[iPhone] The Most Powerful Tequila App Ever Created for the iPhone: Tequila Matchmaker [/iPhone] [android] The Most Powerful Tequila App Ever Created for Android: Tequila Matchmaker [/android] A few blocks…
Abducted Again by Alien Tequila (Extra Añejo)
A while back we did a review of a tequila with an odd name and a cool bottle: Alien blanco. We can still remember enjoying its gentle fruity aromas. So,…
The Best Tequila Drinks for a Celebration
Mexicans are serious about their celebrations, and they’ve wisely packed the calendar with days for parties. This week is the biggest party of the year, Mexican Independence Day. Flags will…
Finding Some Comforting Clues in Gran Dovejo Tequila
With so many new tequila brands making their way to the market, experienced tequila drinkers often look for clues that indicate if a particular brand is worthy of a try….
Tequila Glazed BBQ Shrimp Recipe
I was in New York City just in time for the crazy heat wave last week. I can’t think of a better way to spend a 100+ degree day than…
Packing Tequila Bottles for Flying – On The Cheap
[iPhone] The Most Powerful Tequila App Ever Created for the iPhone: Tequila Matchmaker [/iPhone] [android] The Most Powerful Tequila App Ever Created for Android: Tequila Matchmaker [/android] So you’ve scored…
The 10 Things Every Bartender Should Know About Tequila
Sometimes the difference between just having a drink and really enjoying what you taste is the influence of a great bartender. A great bartender can help you discover new brands,…
Does tequila taste different after it has been in a flask?
Does tequila taste different after it has been in a flask? We were asked that question recently, and decided to find out. After doing some online research, we learned that…
Mexico Cooks! Meets Taste Tequila
When we lived in foodie San Francisco, my friend Max turned me on to a great blog called “Mexico Cooks!”. The blog is run by Cristina Potters, who moved to…
The Last Stop In Our Mezcal Experiment
Because we’re living in Mexico City during a huge mezcal revival, we’ve tried very hard to like this traditional Mexican spirit. Not only are there three mezcalerias within a stone’s…
Introducing Viewer Mail! This Week: How To Properly Store Tequila Bottles
We get a lot of tequila questions sent to us via our website –anything from “What tequila is a must-try?” to “Where is a good place to get married in…
Alacrán Tequila – Does the Scorpion Have a Bitter Sting?
All around Mexico City, tucked among the usual tequila fare, we’ve seen a new contender – Alacrán tequila. The brand is based here, which explains its ubiquity, but it has…
“Tequila for a Cause” Gives Back with Charity Tequila Events
Working in the tequila industry, or having tequila as a hobby as we do, can be a real honor and privilege. It’s a fantastic community of people and who could…