Orgullo – San Matias Has a Reason To Be Proud

Orgullo Tequila

Previously we mentioned discovering Pueblo Viejo Añejo in Mexico and being pleasantly surprised by both the taste and price. During a trip to BevMo in San Francisco, we saw that the San Matias Distillery produced another aged tequila called “Pueblo Viejo Orgullo,” so we had to try it.

Orgullo (which means “pride” in Spanish) is a rich amber color with medium viscosity. It has a vanilla and slightly floral aroma. Upon sipping, it has a soft touch on the tongue and fades to a little bit of spice in the front of the mouth as opposed to the back.

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A Tequila Romance

It was late at night, and the hotel bar was closed. Luckily, the cleaning crew was on call to keep the tequila flowing, so we sat and talked for hours…

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Costco Tequila? Seriously?

Grover and I were shopping in our friendly neighborhood Costco, enjoying the free samples at the end of the aisles, when I spotted something that caused me to take a second and third look. (Then I whipped out my iPhone so I could take a picture of it.)

Costco Tequila. Their brand name, Kirkland, appears on many things in the store, and we’ve happily purchased Kirkland nuts, Kirkland batteries, and Kirkland bagels before. But Kirkland TEQUILA?

I pointed it out to Grover and his first response was, “Oh, we’re totally getting this.” Ack! He grabbed a bottle and put it in our cart, obviously he couldn’t wait to give it a try. (At $23.99 for an Extra Añejo, who could protest?)

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Our Tequila Collection – Update

We haven’t done an update lately, so I thought I would take a few minutes today and size up the current inventory in our home collection.

(Left to Right) Tequila Lapis Anejo; mini-bottle Gusano Rojo Mezcal Joven w/worm; "Scarlet y Grover" mini-barrel - a gift from Tequilas de Senor distillery; Aha Toro Anejo; Don Julio Anejo; Pueblo Viejo Anjeo; Tequila Castelan Anejo; Tequila Esperanto Select Anejo; Centinella Anejo; Tequila Ocho Anejo; Tequila El Mayor; Tequila Castelan Reposado; La Cava de Mayoral blanco; Tequila Oro Azul; El Tequileño Reposado; Cazadores Anejo; Herradura Anejo; Gran Centenario Reserva del Tequilero; Partida Anejo; Dos Lunas Anejo; Gran Centenario Anejo; Pueblo Viejo Orgullo; Tequila Fortaleza; Heradura Seleccion Suprema; El Diamonte del Cielo; Gran Centenario Leyenda; Don Julio 1942; Maestro Tequila Anejo; Siete Leguas Anejo; Don Julio Real; Siete Leguas Reposado; Siete Leguas Blanco; Tres Manos Anejo; Tequila D'Antaño (Siete Leguas extra anejo); Casa Noble Blanco; Casa Noble Anejo; TKO blanco; a bottle of partially consumed JR Storey wine; Tequila Stallion anejo. Not shown (because the bottle is too damn tall) Clase Azul anjeo.

Don’t get confused with my use of the word “collection,” because all of these bottles are here for only one reason – to drink. No matter how pretty the bottle is, it goes in the recycle bin when it’s empty.

Our bar currently contains 37 bottles of tequila, 1 mini barrel of tequila we received as a gift, 1 mini bottle of mezcal, and 1 bottle of wine (all visible in the picture.) Not shown, because they are stored below, are 12 other bottles of tequila (including a bottle of El Tesoro de Don Felipe), mostly backup bottles to ensure that we don’t unexpectedly run out.


So that’s 49 bottles of tequila, total. Hmmm. I’d like to make that an even 50. What are we missing?

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